School & College Counseling
In order to promote a college going culture and the vision of college success among all of our students, a variety of strategies and college partnerships have been developed throughout the PUC system of schools.
Incoming 6th grade students in PUC schools are immersed in the college culture prior to the onset of their middle school years. Incoming 6th grade students in the Northeast San Fernando Valley begin their middle school experience with one week on the California State University, Northridge (CSUN) campus. In Los Angeles, the incoming 6th grade students engage in a variety of activities at Pitzer College and actually stay overnight in the dorms. During their time on college campuses, the middle school students are immersed in the college culture through first-hand experiences. As a result, the young students are inspired with the vision of future college admission and graduation and cannot wait to return to the college campuses. Students are also taught about the “A – G” requirements beginning in 6th grade so there is an early understanding of what will be required of them to enter 4 year universities in California.
All PUC high schools have “early college high school” programs. This means that a number of the students take classes in college simultaneously with their high school course work. Students at Community Charter Early College High School, Lakeview Charter High School, and Triumph Charter High School take classes at Los Angeles Mission College. In addition, some of the upper class students have taken classes in the past at California State University, Northridge (CSUN). As part of the partnership with Los Angeles Mission College, Community Charter Middle School provides the college with evening classroom space at some of the valley schools in order to help them with space challenges. As part of the partnership with Los Angeles Mission College, several of the schools in the Valley have provided the college with evening classroom space at some of the valley schools in order to help them with space challenges. Through this program, the students earn college credits prior to high school graduation, earn dual high school and college credit for the completion of certain classes, become comfortable on a college campus and develop the self confidence and determination necessary to complete university degree programs. In addition, the students’ college applications are enhanced by the completion of these college courses, making them more competitive and attractive as they submit their applications at the beginning of their 12th grade year. Large numbers of PUC students have now successfully graduated high school with either an AA degree being awarded from a community college simultaneously or up to 50 college transferable college units or more already having been completed.
Another way in which the college connection is established is through a number of college and university field trips throughout the grade levels. In the grades leading up to the 11th grade year, students typically visit campuses located in the Southern California region. In the 11th grade year, as students prepare to submit their university applications, the trips become more extensive and actually include an East coast university tour.
Our Appying for College resources provide students, parents, and family members the valuable information needed to apply to both public and private colleges.
Concurrent Enrollment Form
Private College Application
Selecting a college can be both an exciting and overwhelming experience. There are hundreds of diverse colleges and universities spanning the country each with its own composition and focus. Schools vary in size, area of focus, geographic location, campus life, and in a host of other areas. It is important that you select a college that fits your learning style, your educational interest, and in general offers you a positive learning experience.
Clearly, there is no single college that is best for every student. Therefore, a student must first determine what they are looking for in a college, and then select those schools that are the best match. We have included a number of resources that will help you tackle this important task.
Although college can be an expensive investment, there are a number of ways a student can seek the assistance needed to pay for college. Financial Aid can come by way of scholarship, work study, or by way of loan. Scholarships are grants that are awarded to students, based upon merit or financial need, and require no repayment. These scholarships are awarded to students who apply and meet the requirements set by the awarding institution. Students can seek scholarships from private organizations as well as through the universities they plan to attend. The second form of financial assistance comes in the form of loans. Loans can be issued through a bank, through the national government, and/or by the universities themselves. Although loans are often easier to acquire, they require eventual repayment.
Lastly, many universities may offer work study, which typically take the form of part-time campus employment, as part of a student’s financial package. In order to apply for financial assistance, a student must complete the FAFSA form. Students can also access the financial aid opportunities of universities via the internet or contacting the university directly. In addition, students need to research individual scholarship opportunities, to determine the criteria and requirements involved.
We have included a number of tools and helpful links to assist you in this task.