Resources » Expulsion & Expulsion Hearing Enrollment Policy

Expulsion & Expulsion Hearing Enrollment Policy

Enrollment Policy for Expelled Students and Students Going Through an Expulsion Hearing
To ensure the safety and well-being of the students and staff of PUC Schools, PUC has approved the following policy relating to the enrollment of students who are expelled or going through an expulsion hearing at the time they seek enrollment.
If a student is going through an expulsion hearing at the time they seek enrollment, the student will not be permitted to proceed with the enrollment process at a PUC school unless and until the parent, guardian, or eligible student (a student who is 18 years old and holds his/her educational rights) provides documentation demonstrating that the student’s former school has decided not to expel the student.
If a student is expelled at the time they seek enrollment, the student will not continue with the enrollment process at a PUC school unless and until the PUC school decides to reinstate the student.  The PUC school will follow the procedures in its charter for reinstatement of a previously expelled student.  The Principal or designee will review the student’s records and rehabilitation plan, and will make a determination regarding reinstatement within 10 school days of receiving those records.

If a parent, guardian, the student’s educational rights holder (if the student is a foster youth or homeless youth), or eligible student (a student who is 18 years old and holds his/her educational rights) falsely claims in the enrollment packet that the student is not expelled or going through an expulsion hearing, the school may at its discretion initiate the procedures described below to disenroll the student.  

If the process is initiated, the school will send written notification at least 5 school days prior to the expected date of disenrollment in the native language of the student or the student’s parent/guardian or, if the student is a foster youth or homeless youth, the student’s educational rights holder.  In the case of a foster youth, the written notice shall also be provided to the foster youth’s attorney and county social worker.  If the student is an Indian child, as defined in Welfare and Institutions Code section 224.1, the written notice shall also be provided to the Indian child’s tribal social worker and, if applicable, county social worker.  The written notice shall inform the student, the student’s parent or guardian, the homeless youth’s educational rights holder, the foster youth’s educational rights holder, attorney, and county social worker, or the Indian child’s tribal social worker and, if applicable, county social worker, of  the right to initiate a hearing by a neutral officer (specifically, the CEO or designee) to determine if the student should be disenrolled.  The school will also send a copy of the Charter School Complaint Notice and Form.

If a hearing is requested, the student is entitled to remain enrolled in the school through the duration of the hearing and cannot be removed until the CEO or designee issues a final decision.  The hearing will take place within a reasonable number of days after the request for a hearing.  The student has the right to bring legal counsel or an advocate and to present testimony, evidence, and witnesses.  
If no hearing is timely requested, the school may immediately disenroll the student as of the date in the notice of intent to disenroll.
If a student has been disenrolled, the school will notify the superintendent of the school district of the student’s last known address within 30 days, and will, upon request, provide that school district with a copy of the student’s cumulative record.